We aim to prioritise the presence of God in our lives and make time to focus on the ‘one thing’. Seeking after God’s presence and making God welcome is the most important part of our lives. As a result of this ‘one thing’ we will be able to understand our identity more in reflection of who God is. As a church we aim to be a house of prayer and enable people to connect with God by organising day/nights/weekends of prayer and fasting, having time set aside for worship and creativity, and relevant teaching series’ aimed at seeing and encountering God through the bible.
As a church we want to live our lives as an extended family – a family of God. By intentionally loving each other and creating a culture of encouragement, we want to spur one another on to grow in our relationship with God, through Jesus, and with one another. By being a part of Even Streams (small groups), having a regular pattern of celebration, testimony evenings, and social events such as games nights, film nights or garden parties we commit to establishing a culture of belonging and discipleship.

We believe that, as a family of God, actively loving our community and serving our community is a biblical way to live. By blessing our town of Buxton and being involved with, and supporting, overseas projects we want to show the generosity of God in all we do. Locally we provide a pre-crawling baby group, a toddler group and a home for Buxton Baby Bank. We also put on family activities throughout the year. Please see our Missions Page for details about other work we support locally and nationally
Who we are — a Vision Statement
We are family, led by the Holy Spirit
We are brave, following Jesus with boldness
We are loving and compassionate, investing in relationship and discipleship
We are relevant, seeking to know and respond to our community
We are creative worshippers of God, seeking to host His presence in all we do
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As Evangelicals we hold to the doctrines of the Church as set out by the
We are Charismatics and believe in the Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit
revealed in the Gifts and Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Buxton Community Church is part of a family of churches called Synergy
We are registered for marriages.
We're a registered charity (Number 519280)