Over the years Buxton Community Church have met in a number of different buildings - including an Anglican Church and a local charity HQ. In 2008, by God's grace, we were able to purchase this imposing 19th century former Methodist Chapel which is where we meet to this day.

If you live in Buxton or the surrounding area (or even just visiting this lovely part of the world) why not join our Sunday worship? You can be assured a warm welcome.

BCC church building

Are you looking for a church where everyone is perfect? Where children remain silent and sit in their seats - as 'good as gold' - all through the service? Where 'regulars' frown at folks who 'dress funny' or have 'strange hairstyles' or tattoos? Then maybe we're not the church for you.

You'd be very welcome - of course - but then so is everyone else!

We're a church made up of ordinary, imperfect people - with every background you can imagine.

Rather than being a place where people who feel distant from God are met with shame, guilt, and condemnation, Jesus leads us to be a family that extends His grace, mercy, and forgiveness to everybody. No matter what you’ve been through or what questions you might have, we want you to be a part of the family.

Come, check us out. We don't bite. We're just ordinary folk who love God and do our best to love one another. Come see us on Sunday and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits before the service. Click on the 'What's On' tab for the times of our services and to see details of other meetings and events.

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