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by Matthew Preston

Walk Humbly [with your God]


What does the Lord require.....Do Justly

What does the Lord Require?........Love mercy!

What does the lord require?     Walk humbly with your God

What does the Lord require?     Walk humbly with your God

Do you see a man in a hole in the ground?

Will you just walk on by?

Saying,  Got places to be and people to meet

I can’t get my hands dirty oh no  I ain't go no time got no time... ...but Im asking


When you see that man in the hole in the ground

You see me says the Lord.

If Im begging for bread will you leave me for dead?

Or will you give me a drink of water..........Im asking


He needs water...he needs gotta lift your brother up

He needs water....he needs gotta lift your brother up

They need water....they need water....we gotta lift our brothers up...

When I see that man in a hole in the ground...will I just walk on by!!

I gotta dig deep in my pocket    [I’ve gotta dig in my heart] ..I’ve gotta hear his cry

M. Preston - January 2015

If you would like to hear Matthew's recording of this song click here and we'll send you a free MP3 that you can play on iTunes or your MP3 player.

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